An aspiring young criminal is sent to do his first hit, but when things don’t go to plan he quickly finds himself trapped in a deadly situation with no way out.
Starring – Andrew Faulkner, Troy Davis, Marcus Merkoski, Nichola Jayne, Claudia Hruschka with John Brumpton and Eddie Baroo
Directed by Kieran Wheeler
Produced Robin M. Mackenzie
DOP David Rusanow
Costume Designer Madolyn McCarthy
Production Design Benjamin Warmuth
Music Evan Hodges
Sound Design/Mix Stephen Witherow & Daniel Young
Directed by
Kirean Wheeler
Rob Mackenzie
David Rusanow
Costumer Designer
Jesse Breckon
Production Design
Benjamin Warmuth
Evan Hodges
Sound Design/Mix
Stephen Witherow & Daniel Young